There are so many childhood
diseases, infectious and non-infectious, bronchitis is most often
caused by a viral infection. It may also be caused by bacteria or things such
as dust, allergens, strong fumes, or tobacco smoke.
In children, the most
common cause of acute bronchitis is a virus. The illness may develop after a
cold or other viral infection in the nose, mouth, or throat Such illnesses
can spread easily from direct contact with a person who is sick.
A number of different viruses cause
bronchiolitis which affects children less than one year of age. Most commonly,
it is caused by respiratory syncytial virus, but it can also be caused by
influenza and other common viruses associated with upper respiratory symptoms
such as fever, runny nose, and cough. A common symptom of bronchiolitis
includes all of the above and wheezing the same symptom observed in children
with asthma. It is common in the winter months, and some infants will require
admission to a hospital when the respiratory symptoms are very severe. The
treatment of bronchiolitis is different from asthma
Mild headache, Low-grade fever, Sore
throat, Soreness or tightness in the chest, Feeling tired, Body aches, Wheezing,
Shortness of breath
is bronchitis diagnosed in a child?
Your child’s healthcare provider can
often diagnose bronchitis with a health history and physical exam. In some
cases, your child may need tests to rule out other health problems, such as
pneumonia or asthma. These tests may include: Chest X-rays. This test makes
images of internal tissues, bones, and organs. Pulse oximetry: An oximeter is a
small device that measures the amount of oxygen in the blood. For this test,
the healthcare provider puts a small sensor like a clip on your child's finger
or toe. When the device is on, a small red light can be seen in the sensor. The
sensor is painless and the red light does not get hot.
Sputum and nasal discharge samples.
These tests can find the germ causing an infection.
and Home Remedies:
Parents may consider using some home
remedies to alleviate their child’s symptoms. In addition to rest, giving kids
older than one year a teaspoon of dark honey to quell a cough. And good nasal
care, such as blowing your nose when it feels full and flushing the nose with
saline, can help with sinus drainage that contributes to cough. does not
recommend cold and cough suppressants. There’s not a lot of safe cold and cough
suppressants for kids, adds especially for younger children. These medicines
can suppress natural protective reflexes and often have harmful side effect.
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