Once you welcome your new born baby into the new world caring for the baby becomes a first priority this is the question many first time mothers have is about skin care for new born baby New-borns have very delicate skin that is vulnerable to irritation and dryness Although new born baby skin does not require additional moisturisation very often the skin does get dry after baths and may require a smaller amount of moisturiser to replenish the natural skin oils lost due to bathing or dry air this is safe to use lotion to protect your little one’s skin When Can You Start Putting Lotion on a New-born Baby: Neonates have a covering over their skin called as ‘vernix’ this is a waxy layer of protection that covered their body in the mother’s womb to protect their skin from the amniotic fluid. This layer starts peeling off in the first few weeks after birth, giving the appearance of dry flaky skin the skin below this layer is consist of moist which is enough an